Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lunch with the Westbergs

We miss the Westbergs. Eric and April were with New Valley from close to the get-go. They are folks who love God and desire to serve them with their whole lives. A few months ago, Eric took a position in a new city. Actually, a new continent. They now live in Germany. But this week, they were in town for (literally) hours. A few of us got together at Pei Wei for their return.

Scott, our pastor, is just plain weird around a camera...

One of New Valley's cutest...Rhys

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Phoenix Rescue Mission Christmas Fun

Having tried a number of different things for our Mercy Ministry (serving the poor, social justice, playing a part in redeeming the world) - some good, some not so good - we tried a staple in this realm..the Rescue Mission. If you're not familiar with them, they are pretty much in every major city in America. Their role is to rehabilitate homeless men. And they are pretty good at it.

We are trying to find something we can commit to on a regular (monthly) basis, and the Rescue Mission is one of the places we are considering (we are still looking for someone to own it). So..we decided to take part in their annual Adopt-a-Family for Christmas event. It was a lot of fun! It was their biggest one to date, giving gifts to over 1500 people.

When we arrived (7:30am and about 45 degrees)(yes, it was in Phoenix), there was tents to set up and two tractor trailers full of gifts in garbage bags to pull out.

Kira and the Trailers

Leland, the Moving Man

Erin, The Servant Queen

Mike, The Servant King

Erin was everywhere!

After all the bags were pulled out and organized into groups, folks started arriving in droves to get their gifts. They went through the little Disney line we created, went to chapel, and then got to Kira and me (Jeff). We basically served as traffic cops, holding folks up until there was room at their designated table to get their gifts. This was the best part as we were able to interact with pretty much every family that came through. We brushed up on our Spanish, that's for sure. :)

Yes, even the mascot from Red Robin was there!

The Crew

All in all, we had a great time! Thanks to each of you who showed up! Thanks to Katie Olmstead, too! (She was with the late shift). :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Shindig

Sorry for the delay, folks. Check out some pics from our Christmas Party last Friday. Despite the Seattle-like weather, the firepit was burning til around 1am. Check out the Kidz Winter Wonderland, too. You go Becky Brown.

Charades was a big hit. Some embarrassing photos perhaps. But fun. :)

Jay spent most of the evening grazing at what was coined "The Man Bowl"

Monday, November 5, 2007

Mary Goes to Uganda

It's so neat when one of our own sees themselves as a "Sent One" and goes out into the world to do their part in redemption. Mary Euler, a member of the New Valley Mercy Team, recently traveled to Uganda with Food for the Hungry. Mary will be sharing more about her trip at church on November 11.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chilibrate Good Times, C'Mon

This past Sunday, we had a great time at our Chilibration after church. We even had the Maricopa Chili Cook-Off winner in our midst. Definitely some good eats, y'all.

A little out of focus...sorry...

Bob Harter sports his college colors...even when they stink. :)

Jon Griffith's mug shot :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our New Home

Starting this Sunday, New Valley will start meeting at a new and permanent place. We are psyched. Tonight we unloaded our trailer for the LAST TIME! We needed to have a little fun while waiting on the trailer to arrive. Enjoy.

No, he's not levitating. That's just our drummer being silly.

A fun one with our pastor...

And the original...

These are just plain silly..and not the best Photoshop..didn't feel like selecting everything so closely..

Monday, September 17, 2007

Vision Day

This day was a bit momentous for New Valley. God seemed to have dropped a new facility in our laps when we were hoping for one but not feverishly looking. This was our first service to 'try it out'. We are excited to soon have a new home...a place we can make our own.

This is our worship leader, Carson, doin the strut.

David K, quite the cutie.

David's very cool parents. Jean is an elder at New Valley.

Scott (our pastor) and Jack listen to Jack's iPhone. He recorded Scott saying, "Carson's a tool." (Scott said it by mistake in a sermon. He was describing all the has used at New Valley). Trust us, it's funny.

Jaden, another one of NV's Kidz


Jeff and Shelley, two of the best greeters you'll ever meet.

Cookies anyone? Lauren, our Impact Director, serves it up.