Monday, September 17, 2007

Vision Day

This day was a bit momentous for New Valley. God seemed to have dropped a new facility in our laps when we were hoping for one but not feverishly looking. This was our first service to 'try it out'. We are excited to soon have a new home...a place we can make our own.

This is our worship leader, Carson, doin the strut.

David K, quite the cutie.

David's very cool parents. Jean is an elder at New Valley.

Scott (our pastor) and Jack listen to Jack's iPhone. He recorded Scott saying, "Carson's a tool." (Scott said it by mistake in a sermon. He was describing all the has used at New Valley). Trust us, it's funny.

Jaden, another one of NV's Kidz


Jeff and Shelley, two of the best greeters you'll ever meet.

Cookies anyone? Lauren, our Impact Director, serves it up.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Brandon's 30th

A few of us celebrated one of New Valley's finest birthday last Friday night. Brandon turned 30, so we surprised him at his fav coffee spot, Lux.

Carson (our worship leader) and Kacie (his beautifal and talented fiancee) silly it up.

Jay, still on his new iPhone, and Herry

Lauren (our Director of Impact) and Kerrith (one of Brandon's good friends from San Diego)

Friday, September 7, 2007

Carson and Kacie's Surprise Wedding Shower

We took a few pics at the small, intimate gathering the Kutskos hosted for soon to be wed Carson (our worship leaders) and Kacie (our head sound tech)(what a great combo, eh?). There are pictures of random people in here..and none of Carson and Kacie. That's b/c the few pics that weren't taken of them just didn't turn out. We will have to get a good one of them and post it soon.

Here is our host..

Another one of our soon-to-be-wed couples..Jeff and Sarah. They are awesome.

Mandy and Rhys, the cutest child in the entire world.

Jay and his new iPhone are one. As it should be.